We opened Stogies Cigar Shoppe because of our love for cigars and our desire to share what we’ve learned about the natural and artisanal products that we carry. With our incredible selection of cigars, from different regions of the world, we provide a unique experience that can be shared with friends and family members or others who love the taste of a beautifully constructed cigar. We sell cigars that are difficult to find in West Michigan, including 100% Nicaraguan premium blend Stogies Cigars that will excite your taste buds with smooth notes of pepper, coco and leathery tones. Our team of educators are waiting to serve you with a deep understanding of the cigars journey.
The next time you are in Saugatuck, MI, be a friend! Stop by Stogies Cigar Shoppe and spend a worthwhile moment with others who share your love for cigars.
129 Griffith St #101, Saugatuck, MI