If you’re a media professional looking for story ideas, itinerary development, photos, videos and more, we’re here to help. Our marketing department is happy to assist editors and travel writers with quick and accurate information about the Art Coast of Michigan. We welcome you to explore the links on this page, and if you don’t find what you need, please contact our Public Relations Manager, Natalie Boscia.

Request for Images
The Saugatuck/Douglas Convention and Visitors Bureau maintains a robust stock library of electronic high-resolution photos, images, and videos for editorial use that depict the diverse attractions, activities, and seasons of our area. Our images are available to qualified local, national, and international editorial and travel promotion writers, as well as meeting and convention groups. We retain the copyright to all images and must approve the purpose for which they are used.
Images may be used for:
- Editorial: Magazine and newspaper travel articles and approved television use.
- Travel Promotion: Brochures for travel agencies and other publications used for professional travel offices.
- Meeting/Convention Promotion: Brochures about meetings in the Saugatuck/Douglas area.
Images cannot be used for:
- Commercial Use: Including advertisements, postcards, and merchandising.
- Travel Promotion: Brochures for travel agencies and other publications used for professional travel offices.
- Advertising or non-travel-related purposes.
For logo, brand or special image requests, please contact ashley@saugatuck.com.